One of the biggest personal challenges seniors face is inadequate healthcare. This becomes Medicare’s problem, too, when their health insurance costs skyrocket.
An Important New Medicare Benefit
There finally is one benefit Medicare can offer that solves this problem — for seniors and Medicare. It’s called MedKaz®. It is self-financing, simple, inexpensive, very easy to use even by seniors, and requires minimal administrative support from HHS or CMS. Most importantly, it solves this escalating cost problem while the government’s approach — after spending more than 15 years and untold $billions — does not.
Medkaz works by solving a major problem doctors face: their lack of interoperability — their inability to instantly share and exchange their patient’s medical records with their patient’s other doctors, and coordinate their care. In contrast, MedKaz provides total interoperability!
MedKaz is unique. It is a small mini drive patients own and carry on their keyring along with their house and car keys, or wear. It contains digital copies of all the patient’s records from all their providers, and the application to manage them. When they need care, they simply give their MedKaz® to their doctor. Their doctor uses it solely as a source of information about their patient — alongside his/her medical record system — to understand all their health issues, avoid medical errors and unnecessary costly visits, meds, tests, and procedures.
MedKaz is free to care providers, and they continue to enter their own notes in their own EMR system. Copies of their notes are automatically uploaded to their patient’s MedKaz following each encounter. Problem solved! MedKaz also is a communication platform. It enables a patient to automatically share copies of his records with anyone he chooses, such a loved ones, adult children, a spouse, and all his care providers providers. There simply is nothing like it!
MedKaz Advantages
With MedKaz, seniors receive better, coordinated care and save money. Their doctors save time, improve outcomes, reduce the cost of care, reduce burnout and restore their profits. Medicare enjoys healthier insureds, and the bulk of the savings — and pays a small fraction of its savings of which as incentives to seniors and their doctors to drive their use of MedKaz.
Thus, by giving a MedKaz to seniors and incentivizing them and their doctors to use it, everyone benefits handsomely. It clearly is one of the most important new benefits Medicare can offer!
Learn more about MedKaz here, how Jack uses his here, and if you are interested, details about how MedKaz® helps doctors, here.
Then take charge! Test MedKaz with a cohort of seniors and their doctors so you see for yourselves how MedKaz meets everyone’s needs— and then some. Just email or call us to schedule a meeting. The sooner the better!