Over the past 40 years, one senior citizen — we’ll call him Jack — has seen literally dozens of physicians in more than 10 practices and hospitals, six cities, three states.
Using their systems, none could access all his records when they needed to understand his issues or coordinate his care. The result? They made some costly mistakes, sometimes hurt rather than helped him, and frequently ordered unnecessary visits, tests and procedures that wasted his time and money!
Then Jack got a MedKaz® which he carries on his keyring along with his house and car keys. Problem solved!
MedKaz is a revolutionary new system that reimagines how to manage and share patients’ records. It aggregates his 40 years of records from all his providers and the application to manage them, in one place he controls — on his MedKaz!
Now, anytime Jack sees a physician or other care provider — at home, when traveling, in an emergency room or during a telehealth visit — he doesn’t have to worry whether they can access all his records. He gives them his MedKaz! They use it alongside their systems as a source of information about him. (They continue to enter their notes on their own EMR system, not his MedKaz. Following his visit they upload their notes to our MedKaz Server; he downloads them to his MedKaz with only 2 clicks.)
When they log on, it generates a Health Summary that recaps his health issues, meds, etc. and even lists the doctors he has seen recently and the reasons he saw them. This instantly gives them information they may not know about him, and saves them several minutes getting up to speed.
Then as they examine him, they can instantly search it, read his other doctors’ notes, and avoid mistakes and unnecessary visits, tests, procedures. The result? They deliver better care, achieve better outcomes, save him time, and save him and his insurer real money! In one six month period, it saved Jack untold hours and Medicare, his insurer, almost $900 in unnecessary visits and tests! (If he were younger and still employed, his employer would have saved the $900 and he’d have saved deductibles and copays, as well.)
Jack also uses his MedKaz as a source of information — to manage his own care. Within 24 hours of a visit, he can log onto it, easily download a copy of his doctor’s notes and read what he or she wrote. If Jack didn’t hear, didn’t understand or forgot something his doctor said, he can read about it in the notes. If the doctor made a mistake in his notes, Jack can add an addendum to correct it. And if he’s supposed to take a new medication or have a test or procedure, the note reminds him.
Jack also loves the fact that with MedKaz he can automatically share his records from one doctor with his other doctors, and all his doctors’ records with his adult kids — so they know what’s going on without his having to remember every detail!
You and your loved ones can enjoy these benefits, too. Just do what Jack did. Get MedKaz! It’s convenient, secure, powerful yet easy to use. It requires no special training for you or your doctors — even for the less tech-savvy, and it’s updated for you after each visit. An important plus: you can even use it during power, internet or ransomware-caused outages! The short video on this page tells you how it works.
At less than $100 per year, it’s very affordable! Just imagine, if you avoid a simple blood test which can cost $200 or more, your savings will cover the cost of your MedKaz for two years! Avoid a CT scan or day in the ICU either of which costs $thousands and you’ll save — well, you get the idea! In Jack’s case, his $900 in savings paid for his MedKaz for nine years!
Don’t delay. Get your MedKaz Family Pack today — one for yourself and one for each loved one. You’ll enjoy knowing your family has the latest and best healthcare protection available, and so will they!