Medical records serve different purposes – as diverse as doctors treating patients, billing, and medical research. While these uses share the basic principle of data collection and storage, each use is different and requires different content and formatting.
Doctors treating patients need “interoperability,” instant access to their patient’s complete medical record from all their providers, in easy to manage and read formats. In contrast, people concerned with billing are concerned with a patient’s individual records, and researchers work with masses of records from large numbers of people — but neither require a patient’s complete record.
Doctors Need Information to Treat Patients
By conflating these different needs and trying to meet all of them with standardized, networked EMR systems, we have made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for doctors to access all their patients’ records at the point of care — which arguably is the most important function of all. Without interoperability, doctors often make serious medical errors which seriously harm or even kill their patients and often require unnecessary tests and procedures which together, according to several studies, waste hundreds of $billion annually.
The fact is, each of these needs is important, but none are being properly served by trying to meet them with a single solution. So what’s the solution?
Divide and conquer! Solve the interoperability problem independent of the other needs, and the other needs independent of interoperability! Taking this approach, doctors and other care providers can enjoy total interoperability today!
MedKaz® Is an Easy Solution to This Interoperability Issue
The groundbreaking MedKaz® system easily solves this interoperability problem today. It makes a patient’s complete medical record instantly available to their doctor at the point of care. To our knowledge, no other system does. This seemingly simple achievement can materially reduce those wasted $billions— and literally reduce healthcare as a percentage of our GDP. (Full Disclosure: We created MedKaz.)
In contrast to “conventional” systems which are provider focused and generally cannot provide interoperability, MedKaz is patient focused and provides total interoperability today. It meets care provider needs in the exam room where care is delivered and costs are incurred. It also is far less expensive than the conventional approach which requires costly networks, registries and special support organizations. Most importantly, MedKaz enables care providers to streamline their workflow, save time with each patient, talk more with their patient, and reduce burnout. And the clincher? It restores their profits! It pays providers every time they use their patient’s MedKaz and upload their notes to our MedKaz Server.
The nicest part is, it couldn’t be simpler! MedKaz aggregates a patient’s complete record from all his providers — his Lifetime Health Record — and the application to manage them on the patient’s MedKaz mini drive. Second, doctors use it alongside their EMR system as a source of information; they continue to enter their notes in their own EMR system. (They automatically update it by uploading their notes to our MedKaz Server which processes and distributes them to the patient, his other providers and other designees.) Third, it is inexpensive. It only costs a patient $99 per year, and can cost as little as $6.00 per month when purchased by an employer as a wellness benefit.
The patient carries his MedKaz on his keyring with his house and car keys or wears it as a pendant, and gives it to his provider anytime, anywhere he requires care. It doesn’t matter how the provider’s EMR system formats or stores their patients’ records, or which provider has what information. The MedKaz assembles all the patient’s records as searchable pdf documents and displays them with only two clicks in an easy-to-read browser. Sound familiar? That’s what search engines do!
Providers access their patient’s MedKaz at the start of a visit to quickly understand their patients issues and status. And as they examine their patient, they search its contents to read their patient’s other providers’ notes and coordinate their care. Their patients, in turn, read their providers’ notes and can better manage their own care.
In short, MedKaz empowers doctors to streamline each patient encounter, improve outcomes, reduce costs, earn new revenue, and patients to manage their own care. The keys to MedKaz’s effectiveness lie in the fact that it is “system agnostic” and makes their patients’ records instantly available from all their providers as searchable pdf documents they can read in a browser, even during power or internet outages or natural disasters! How simple, effective and inexpensive is that!
Convinced? Want to enjoy interoperability today? Adopt MedKaz today as your new normal! Whether provider or patient, you’ll love it! Please visit our website and don’t hesitate to get in touch –