We CAN Enjoy Interoperability Today!

Medical records serve different purposes – as diverse as doctors treating patients, billing, and medical research. While these uses share the basic principle of data collection and storage, each use is different and requires different content and formatting. Doctors treating patients need “interoperability,” instant access to their patient’s complete medical record from all their providers,…


WHAT IS MEDKAZ®? MedKaz is a digital system that makes it possible for care providers to practice better medicine and annually save tens of thousands of patients from unnecessary pain — even death — and billions of dollars. It does so by reimagining how to manage and share personal health records. Instead of following the…

How Do I Access My Medical Records?

Why Are My Medical Records Important? Your medical history is a personal library of very important information that both you and your doctors need, particularly if you have multiple, chronic, or other complex illnesses. It is the blueprint of your health, encompassing diagnoses, treatments, lab results, and more. Understanding how to access your healthcare information…

MedKaz: A Solution for Interoperability

When it comes to healthcare, we as patients have certain expectations. Simply put, we want our doctors to really listen to us, and we want them to treat what ails us properly so we can get well again. This should be simple enough. After all, this is what doctors do – they treat us. It’s…


Over the past 40 years, one senior citizen — we’ll call him Jack — has seen literally dozens of physicians in more than 10 practices and hospitals, six cities, three states. Using their systems, none could access all his records when they needed to understand his issues or coordinate his care. The result? They made some costly mistakes, sometimes hurt…