Did you know that none of your doctors can instantly access all your medical records? Most of us assume they can, but that’s not the case. There are multiple reasons why, including the fact that their electronic medical records systems may be incompatible with one another.
The end result is that your doctors may not have all the information they need to coordinate your care. This can result in them making costly mistakes.
It’s an Issue of Interoperability
What’s missing? Interoperability: the ability to access all your records from all your providers at the point of care. While the current government-driven approach tries to connect care provider silos by electronic networks, it has wasted precious time and cost billions of dollars and still doesn’t work.
We have developed a solution that is far simpler, cheaper, and does work. It’s called Medkaz®. It is a portable medical record system that assembles all your records from all your providers, plus the application to manage them, in one place and makes them searchable. With Medkaz, all your doctors can instantly access all your medical information any time they need it.
Healthcare Interoperability Affects Treatment
This current lack of interoperability can have very serious, negative consequences. Here’s an example:
Assume you have two ongoing health issues that are being treated by two different specialists. The medicine that helps one issue can actually worsen the other. In order to be effectively treated for both, your doctors need access to all your medical records so they can coordinate your care.
What happens if one or both of your doctors don’t have all the information they need? Well, they could treat you for one issue that will help it, but will make the other issue worse. This could make you even sicker!
There are those in the healthcare industry who have proposed solutions they believe will help. However, they are expensive, terribly complex and difficult to implement. In contrast, MedKaz is a much simpler solution that is easy to implement and inexpensive. It empowers you to easily manage your own care and will easily give your doctors the information they need to coordinate your care. Please visit this page for more information.