Follow the Money: Understanding the Profits MedKaz® Generates for Providers

In prior articles we’ve discussed how you can use MedKaz® to streamline your workflow, enjoy interoperability, deliver better, coordinated, lower-cost care and reduce burnout. (See: We Can Enjoy Interoperability Today!) Now, let’s flip the coin and look at another critically important MedKaz® benefit— how it generates new profits for you and delivers an extraordinary ROI.…

We CAN Enjoy Interoperability Today!

Medical records serve different purposes – as diverse as doctors treating patients, billing, and medical research. While these uses share the basic principle of data collection and storage, each use is different and requires different content and formatting. Doctors treating patients need “interoperability,” instant access to their patient’s complete medical record from all their providers,…


WHAT IS MEDKAZ®? MedKaz is a digital system that makes it possible for care providers to practice better medicine and annually save tens of thousands of patients from unnecessary pain — even death — and billions of dollars. It does so by reimagining how to manage and share personal health records. Instead of following the…

How to Use MedKaz® to Better Treat Patients

MedKaz® offers a simple but powerful and innovative solution for the interoperability problem in healthcare. It reimagines healthcare by assembling a patient’s complete medical record from all their providers, and the application to manage them, on a MedKaz mini drive the patient owns and carries with them on their key ring. They give it to…

How to Introduce MedKaz® to Your Patients

MedKaz® provides a simple but powerful and lucrative solution to the interoperability issue in healthcare. To enjoy its many benefits, doctors and patients need to use it. Here’s how to introduce it to your patients. Explain the Benefits Why would a patient want to use MedKaz? If you let them know how it benefits them,…

The Only Measure of Interoperability That Counts

Among your many problems treating patients today, you’ll be surprised to learn that you can easily manage perhaps the most intractable one — patient record interoperability — and everyone will benefit when you do! When handled correctly: you and other clinicians can deliver better care, be happier, more efficient and less subject to burnout. your patients…