A New England-based physician in private practice — we’ll call him Dr. Prince — recently came to us for help. He was frustrated, unfulfilled and exhausted. He has two major problems. First and despite what the government and various medical record vendors claim, he can’t access his patients’ records when he needs them from their other doctors, many of whom are in nearby towns and rural areas as well as Florida where many of his patients spend the winter.
As you know, this lack of interoperability poses a very serious problem that can have terrible consequences. Hence his deep distress! He or his patients’ other doctors may inadvertently commit costly medical errors that harm their patient’s health and wellbeing or even kill them. And they may order unnecessary visits, tests, or procedures which materially increase the cost of care. (Nationally, these terrible unintended consequences happen all too often. One recent study put their cost at $1Trillion, 25% of our total healthcare costs and 5% of our GDP!)
Second, he is forced to spend more time entering data into his electronic medical record (EMR) system than treating his patients — not at all what he signed up for! As a result, he can’t see as many patients or spend time getting to know his patients as well as he’d like, and he’s exhausted!
When he learned about MedKaz®, he realized that MedKaz is precisely what he and his patients’ other doctors need. It easily provides total interoperability, doesn’t require vast and costly support groups, and will enable both him and his patients’ other care providers to easily coordinate their patients’ care, reduce the cost of care, and once again enjoy practicing medicine!
But despite his enthusiasm, it took him several weeks to contact us. Inertia and fear that MedKaz might upset his routine were hard to overcome. However, when he realized that the cost of doing nothing far exceeded any costs MedKaz might trigger, he decided to act. (Happily and in contrast to his fears, MedKaz actually improves his workflow and reduces the cost of care!)
How MedKaz Helps
Dr. Prince is just getting started with MedKaz. His administrative staff has identified his snowbird patients and he’s urging them to adopt MedKaz so their Florida doctors can coordinate their care. Next we’ll add his sicker patients, and finally the rest of his 2,100± active patients. He can’t wait!
You can imagine how delighted he’ll be when he sees:
- how easily MedKaz blends into and streamlines his workflow.
- how it saves him time and actually frees him to get to know his patients better.
- how it empowers him to access the specific records he wants to see with only two or three clicks.
- how it requires absolutely no extra data entry — he continues to enter his notes solely into his EMR system.
- how easy it is to use by everyone — him, his staff, and his patients’ other doctors.
- how his patients can use it to better manage their care.
- how inexpensive it is for his patients.
- that it’s free to him and actually increases his practice income.
Perhaps best of all, he’ll find that it restores his pleasure at being able to really help his patients!
On a national scale, MedKaz will dramatically reduce burnout which is disrupting medicine as we know it. (To be clear, MedKaz will not reduce the time doctors and nurses must spend entering their notes into their EMR systems. But by streamlining their workflow, it will materially reduce their frustration until their systems’ vendors do so.)
Creating Strong MedKaz Communities
We know that when Dr. Prince’s patients adopt MedKaz, they’ll receive better care from both him and their other doctors, and feel happier seeing him — and he’ll feel happier, too!
But that is just the beginning. When his patients’ other doctors are exposed to MedKaz, they too will enjoy the benefits and satisfaction it provides and, in turn, introduce it to their other patients, and so on — and a MedKaz community will be born! Word of mouth will extend MedKaz to other communities.
That’s the magic of MedKaz! A single doctor and a single patient can spread MedKaz and with it better, lower-cost healthcare throughout their respective communities.
Bottom line, MedKaz will empower doctors in more and more communities to easily achieve interoperability, easily deliver better, lower-cost care and greatly reduce burnout. So if you feel the pressures Dr. Prince feels, do what he’s doing. Adopt MedKaz, enjoy its benefits and watch it spread! To get started contact us at https://medkaz.com/contact-us.
If you need administrative approval to adopt MedKaz, feel free to share this email with your administrators and IT people and tell them you want to use MedKaz with your patients. They may resist at first but when they realize it also solves many of their problems, including serious financial pressures, they’ll hopefully conclude like Dr. Prince did that the price of inaction is far too great, and support your request!
For more information, please visit https://medkaz.com. We look forward to helping you help yourself and your patients, too!