As reported in Becker’s Physician Leadership, the recent study “Bad news for private practice physicians” identified that among the many serious problems and issues confronting physicians, burnout is surging front and center.
If we don’t solve it, healthcare in the US will fall apart! Even now, it’s not unusual to have to wait months to see your doctors!
An effective solution must address several critical problems facing care providers today — all of which contribute to burnout:
- Their inability to instantly access their patients’ up-to-date medical history and their records from all their providers at the point of care so they can avoid costly medical errors and unnecessary visits, tests and procedures, improve outcomes and reduce the cost of care.
- Their time pressure which limits their ability to get to “know” their patients, understand their problems and condition, and “communicate” with them.
- Their financial problems which threaten the very existence of their practice.
- Their data entry pressures which reduce them to data entry clerks and destroy their self-esteem.
There is a solution that solves these problems today — and more! It’s called MedKaz®. It assembles a patient’s records from all his or her doctors, and the application to manage them, on a MedKaz mini drive which the patient owns and carries on his or her keyring. When they need care, they simply give it to their care provider who can instantly search its contents, and uses it to understand their health history and issues.
It has enormous advantages over the system they are forced to use today to access their patients’ records from their other providers.
- It is easy to use by both patients and their doctors. No special training is required.
- They use it ONLY to access their patient’s information and records. They do NOT enter their notes into it; they enter them into their OWN EMR system. It is updated automatically following each visit.
- It saves them precious time getting up to speed with their patient’s issues and searching their records; everything is accessible in only 2 or 3 clicks.
- It is FREE to doctors and generates new income and profits for them. Their patients or their payers pay for it.
- At less than $100 per year, it is affordable by everyone including retired seniors and low-income earners (this cost is more than covered by the savings it generates).
You can learn more about MedKaz, how it works, and even get one for yourself and family members by visiting: