The Problem
Providing employees with excellent and affordable medical care is one of the biggest economic challenges of our time. Escalating healthcare costs have reached the point where many if not most employers can no longer afford them, and they are passing thousands of dollars of the costs on to their employees. This, in turn, dramatically increases the deductibles employees must pay and causes them to defer seeing their doctors until they are desperate. By that time, their illness has advanced and is both more difficult and more expensive to treat.
We can’t allow this to continue but conventional solutions don’t solve the problem. As a result, some employers question if it is even worth offering healthcare benefits to their employees. To make matters worse, employers aren’t required by law to offer benefits, so in an effort to cut costs, some employers may stop offering benefits.
The fact is there is a simple, new solution to this problem. It’s called MedKaz®. And when you embrace it your employees will enjoy better care, save money and be grateful to you for making MedKaz available to them. And you, too, will benefit. You’ll enjoy happier, more productive employees, and real savings! You’ll have fewer claims to pay and lower health insurance premiums!
Doctors Need Information to Treat Their Patient
A major reason your health insurance costs keep escalating is the fact that none of your employees’ care providers can access your employees’ records from all their care providers when they treat them in the exam room, emergency room or elsewhere. Such access — called “interoperability” — empowers care providers to better understand their patients’ issues and ongoing care from all their providers, better diagnose their illness, and make more informed decisions on how best to treat them. Without it, care providers can — and often do — make serious mistakes diagnosing their patient’s illness. These mistakes can harm and even kill their patients, and often trigger substantial unnecessary costs. Here are two scenarios that often arise:
- Unnecessary Surgery. A patient has surgery, but the surgery doesn’t help the condition. Both the procedure and its cost could have been avoided If the patient had been diagnosed properly.
- Wrong Medication or Procedure. If a patient isn’t diagnosed properly, they may end up with the wrong medication or have the wrong procedure. These can trigger costly, unnecessary visits, tests and procedures.
Bottom line: The lack of interoperability is a major cause of high — and escalating — health insurance and benefit costs which, in turn, are causing many employers to seriously consider dropping healthcare as a benefit!
An Easy Solution
Medkaz® solves this interoperability problem today, easily and inexpensively, and generates substantial savings by eliminating the waste triggered by the absence of interoperability today. The groundbreaking MedKaz approach is the exact opposite of the conventional approach the government has been promoting for some 15 years.
- The government’s approach since 2009 is provider focused. It attempts to connect provider “silos” on the fly via electronic networks. Its goal has broadened over the years to provide not only interoperability, but to meet other important healthcare needs, such as medical billing and research which do not require interoperability.
- Meeting these divers needs is very difficult, expensive, and requires many features interoperability doesn’t require, such as record standardization, special registries, and special organizational and networking units. This approach is progressing on all fronts but isn’t close to providing total interoperability. (It’s possible that dropping interoperability as an objective would make it easier to meet the other needs.)
- The MedKaz approach is patient focused and meets care provider needs in the exam room, where care is delivered and costs are incurred — and it provides total interoperability today. It is inexpensive and much simpler than the government-driven approach.
- MedKaz aggregates a patient’s complete record from all his providers — his Lifetime Health Record — and the application to manage them on a patient-owned MedKaz mini drive. The patient carries it on his keyring or wears it as a pendant, and gives it to his provider anytime, anywhere he receives care.
- MedKaz empowers patients to manage their own care, and their doctors to streamline each patient encounter. They use it alongside their EMR system. It enables them to save several minutes getting up to speed with each patient, deliver better care, and reduce the cost of care. They can instantly search its contents when they need information from their patient’s other providers to coordinate their patient’s care. It does not require record standardization or many of the other costly, complex features the government-driven system requires.
For employers like you, MedKaz is the solution you’ve been looking for. With MedKaz, your employees will get better care. Your ever-escalating health insurance costs will stop escalating and actually drop, and both you and your employees will save money.
Given MedKaz’s substantial benefits, it behooves employers like you to actively embrace MedKaz, offer it as a wellness benefit to your employees, and encourage both your employees and their care providers to use it during each encounter. When they do, everyone will benefit handsomely!
Please contact us for more information about MedKaz and to discuss how you can easily introduce it to your employees and their care providers.