Over the past 40 years, one senior citizen — we’ll call him Jack — has seen literally dozens of physicians in more than 10 practices and hospitals, six cities, three states. Using their systems, none could access all his records when they needed to understand his issues or coordinate his care. The result? They made some costly mistakes, sometimes hurt…


Who Coordinates Your Medical Care? The Answer Will Surprise You!

If you are healthy and rarely see a doctor, the question “Who coordinates your medical care?” probably doesn’t appear on your radar. But when you get sick, especially with one or more chronic illnesses, it becomes a major concern and source of great frustration because the answer for most of us is “no one!” Not our primary care physician. Not our specialists. Not our care givers, family members, or friends. No one!!


Unique MedKaz® Features

Strategically, MedKaz® is unique. It differs from all other approaches to medical-record sharing and coordination. Its business model is equally unique. MedKaz gives patients control of all their records from all their providers, and the system to manage them, in one place — on a MedKaz mini drive they carry with their house and car…


Time To Change Course!

  By MERLE BUSHKIN With all due respect to the good intentions of Congress, HHS, CMS, ONC and their dedicated advisors, they are pursuing — and for years have pursued — the wrong approach to achieve medical record interoperability. Endless studies, reports and anecdotal evidence conclude that trying to standardize the way medical records are…


What is the “right” technology to provide medical record interoperability?

Prior Consensus For 19 years, the popular consensus among health IT, tech and government leaders has been that the way to achieve medical record interoperability is to connect provider-siloed personal medical records using health information exchanges (HIEs). Today, that approach has come to include: trying to standardize record formats and content, “cloud” storage, patient registries,…
